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Fear of becoming pregnant among female healthcare students in Spain.pdf.jpg25-Aug-2015Fear of becoming pregnant among female healthcare students in Spain
Navarro Cremades, Felipe; Palazón-Bru, Antonio; Arroyo-Sebastián, María del Ángel; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Sepehri, Armina; Martínez Pérez, Salvador; Marhuenda Amoros, Dolores; Rizo-Baeza, María Mercedes; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F
Retention in care of HIV-infected pregnant and lactating.pdf.jpgAug-2016Retention in care of HIV-infected pregnant and lactating women starting ART under Option B+ in rural Mozambique
Llenas-García, Jara; Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Hobbins, Michael; Aly Mussa, Manuel; Ehmer, Jochen; Keiser, Olivia; Mbofana, Francisco; Wandeler, Gilles