Browsing by Keywords Redes neuronales

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Access
31-Jul-2020Activity-dependent refinement of the developing visual system. A comparative study across retinal ganglion cell populations and target nucleiNegueruela Lázaro, Santiago
Román Erades, Vicente.pdf.jpg4-Oct-2022Creation and maintenance of visual incremental maps and hierarchical localization.Román Erades, Vicente
Garcia_Perez_Antonio_TFM.pdf.jpgSep-2023Estudio de redes neuronales para estimar el modo de ensamblado de robots paralelosGarcía Pérez, Antonio Manuel
4-2023_JNR_EstructurasReticulares (1) (1).pdf.jpgJun-2023Segmentación de planos a partir de nubes de puntos 3D en estructuras reticulares
Soler Gil, Francisco José; Peidro, Adrian; Fabregat Jaén, Marc; Paya, Luis; Reinoso, Oscar