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TD Ciceri, Gabriele.pdf.jpg10-nov-2014Development of neuronal lineages in the mammalian cerebral cortexCiceri, Gabriele
Tesis Peres Saiz Leticia (1) (1)_compressed.pdf.jpg5-may-2023Developmental progression of thalamic and cortical sensory networks in micePérez Saiz, Leticia
TD Martinez Martinez, María Angeles.pdf.jpg16-jul-2015Developmental regulation of cortical expansion: radial glia cell lineage and neuronal migrationMartínez Martínez, María Ángeles
tesis_last.pdf.jpg6-may-2013Disentangling the roles of molecular guidance cues and spontaneous activity in the emergence of visual topographic mapsBenjumeda Wijnhoven, Isabel
T. Valiño Perez, Arturo Jose.pdf.jpg3-jun-2021Divergence-Convergence ratios govern functional circuitry in the Early Visual PathwayValiño Pérez, Arturo José
TD - Aracil Marco, Adolfo.pdf.jpg27-sep-2019Efecto de los neuropéptidos codificados en los genes Tac1 y Calca sobre la cicatrización de lesiones experimentales del epitelio cornealAracil Marco, Adolfo
Tesis Seguí Planelles  Efectos de la ablación coclear Texto unilateral.pdf.jpgmay-2005Efectos de la ablación coclear unilateral en el desarrollo postnatal de las conexiones aferentes a la corteza cerebral auditiva en la rata.Seguí Planelles, Dolores
TD. Gasparyan, Ani.pdf.jpg11-jun-2021Efectos del cannabidiol en un nuevo modelo animal de trastorno de estrés postramáticoGasparyan, Ani
tesis Murillo Bartolomé_compressed.pdf.jpg21-may-2021Effects of GluN3A silencing in Huntington's disease and systematic mapping of its expression in the mouse forebrainMurillo Bartolomé, Álvaro
TD Fernandez García, Gloria .pdf.jpg10-feb-2017Embryonic origin of adult stem cells in ventral hippocampus. Role and interaction between SHH and EMX2Fernández García, Gloria
TD Córcoles Córcoles, Rebeca.pdf.jpg20-jul-2015Epithelial-Mesenchymal transitions and cell behaviourCórcoles Córcoles, Rebeca
TD. Boix Rodriguez, Claudia Paula.pdf.jpg16-jun-2020Estudio de fragmentos solubles de la proteína precursora amiloide como biomarcadores en la enfermedad de alzheimerBoix Rodríguez, Claudia Paula
TD Domínguez Sala, Eduardo.pdf.jpg23-may-2017Estudio experimental de las propiedades funcionales de la corteza cerebral de un modelo animal de Lisencefalia: el ratón Lis1/sLis1Domínguez Sala, Eduardo
portada_tesis.pdf.jpg5-jul-2013Fisiopatología del canal iónicoTRPA1 en el agrandamiento gingival y en la neuropatía inducida por oxalipatinoLópez González, María José
Frequency‐domain analysis of fNIRS fluctuations induced by rhythmic mental-1.pdf.jpgjul-2021Frequency-domain analysis of fNIRS fluctuations induced by rhythmic mental arithmetic
Molina Rodríguez, Sergio; Marcos Mirete, Fructuoso; Martínez Otero, Luis Miguel; Ibáñez Ballesteros, Joaquín
Amr_Eed_PhD_Thesis (4)_compressed.pdf.jpg29-jun-2021Functional and structural substrates of increased dosage of Grik4 gene elucidated using multi-modal MRIEed, Amr Fawzy Kamel
Jon Palacios Filardo.pdf.jpg24-jul-2014Functional impact of interacting protein on kainate receptors: NeCaB1 and NeTo proteinsPalacios Filardo, Jon
Tesis Llinares Benadero, Cristina.pdf.jpg28-mar-2019Genetic alterations in cortical development as a cause of epileptogenic disordersLlinares Benadero, Cristina
TD. Castroviejo Jimenez, Noemi.pdf.jpg29-abr-2022Genetic robustness of EMT-TFs in zebrafish heart lateralityCastroviejo Jiménez, Noemi
Gestational Exposure to Sodium Valproate Disrupts Fasciculation of the Mesotelencephalic Dopaminergic Tract, With a Selective Reduction of Dopaminergic Output From the Vent.pdf.jpgjun-2020Gestational Exposure to Sodium Valproate Disrupts Fasciculation of the Mesotelencephalic Dopaminergic Tract, With a Selective Reduction of Dopaminergic Output From the Ventral Tegmental Area
Adam, Agota Maria; Kemecsei, Robert; Company Devesa, Verónica; Murcia Ramón, Raquel; Juárez Leal, Iris; Gerecsei, László I; Echevarría Aza, Diego; de Puelles Martínez de La Torre, Eduardo; Martínez Pérez, Salvador; Csillag, Andras Laszlo