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Maltratadores homicidas y no homicidas en casos de violencia de género: Diferencias en variables de personalidad y situacionales

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Título :
Maltratadores homicidas y no homicidas en casos de violencia de género: Diferencias en variables de personalidad y situacionales
Autor :
Martínez Mira, María Elena
Piqueras Rodríguez, José Antonio
Pineda Sánchez, David
Departamentos de la UMH::Psicología de la Salud
Fecha de publicación:
Resumen :
La violencia de género se manifiesta en la sociedad como el signo más destacable de desigualdad y discriminación dirigida a la mujer, destacando el abuso de poder por parte del hombre dentro de la relación de pareja (OMS, 2014). Son escasos los estudios que hayan analizado la existencia de diferenc...  Ver más
Gender-based violence is known as one of the most prominent signs of inequality and discrimination to women, underlining the abuse of power because of men in a sentimental relationship (OMS, 2014). The studies that had analysed the existence of differences between personality variables and men who have abused their partner or have murdered them are limited. The purpose of this study was to analyse whether the interaction among personality traits could be a risk factor to attack the partner or murder her, also taking into consideration situational variables. The study was composed of 30 inmates who had committed crimes against their sentimental partner. The three Eysenck’s theory traits of personality were assessed: psychoticism, neuroticism, extraversion, as well as the length of the relationship, the level of education, the police records, the substance use, the intelligence and the self-esteem. The results show that men who murder their sentimental partner have less police records, lower substance use and psychoticism, discovering that murderer men have fewer police records, less substance use and higher levels of introversion and psychoticism. The study is important because taking the risk factors into consideration can be useful to develop political and social actions that could prevent future deaths, paying attention to personal characteristics and the situation of the abusers, also keeping in mind the risk factors that lead to the crime.
Palabras clave/Materias:
violencia de género
variables de personalidad
variables situacionales
Área de conocimiento :
CDU: Filosofía y psicología: Psicología
Tipo de documento :
Derechos de acceso:
Aparece en las colecciones:
TFM- M.U en Psicología General Sanitaria

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