Instituto de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en Biotecnología Sanitaria de Elche 27


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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 27 de 27
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)Acceso
Molecular Immunology 2008-main (1).pdf.jpgjun-2007Expression and antiviral activity of a β-defensin-like peptide identified in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) EST sequences
Falco, Antonio; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Marroquí, L.; Perez, L.; Coll, J.M.; Estepa, A.
J. Virol.-2010-Chico-7140-50 (1).pdf.jpgjul-2010Pepscan Mapping of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Glycoprotein G Major Lineal Determinants Implicated in Triggering Host Cell Antiviral Responses Mediated by Type I Interferon
CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Martinez-Lopez, A.; Ortega-Villaizan, Maria del Mar; Falco, Antonio; Perez, L.; Coll, J. M.; Estepa, A.
Fish and Shellfish immunology_2006 (1).pdf.jpgjul-2007In vitro and in vivo differential expression of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Mx isoforms in response to viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) G gene, poly I:C and VHSV
Tafalla, Carolina; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Perez Garcia-Estañ, Luis; coll, julio; ESTEPA, AMPARO
4-20_7c_Nanomaterials 4.034 (2018)_NFs vs NPs loaded with antibiotics.pdf.jpg6-mar-2020Physico-Chemically Distinct Nanomaterials Synthesized from Derivates of a Poly(Anhydride) Diversify the Spectrum of Loadable Antibiotics
MIRA CARRIÓ, AMALIA; Sainz Urruela, Carlos; Codina Márquez, Helena; Jenkins, Stuart I.; Rodríguez Díaz, Juan Carlos; Mallavia, Ricardo; Falcó, Alberto
3-20_6c_Sci Rep 4.122_zfCRPs vs autophagy.pdf.jpg17-ene-2020Zebrafish C-reactive protein isoforms inhibit SVCV replication by blocking autophagy through interactions with cell membrane cholesterol
Belló Pérez, Melissa; Pereiro, Patricia; Coll Morales, Julio; Novoa, Beatriz; Pérez, Luis; Falcó, Alberto
2-20_5c_Cells 4.366 (2019)_Autophagy vs coronavirus.pdf.jpg1-jul-2020Canonical and Noncanonical Autophagy as Potential Targets for COVID-19
Belló Pérez, Melissa; Sola, Isabel; Novoa, Beatriz; Daniel J., Klionsky; Falcó, Alberto
1-20_1c_Nanomaterials 4.034 (2018)_Editorial.pdf.jpg29-ago-2020Electrospun Nanomaterials: Applications in Food, Environmental Remediation, and BioengineeringFalcó, Alberto; Mallavia, Ricardo
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 27 de 27