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dc.contributor.authorGarcía Avilés, José Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorCarvajal Prieto, Miguel-
dc.contributor.authorKaltenbrunner, Andy-
dc.contributor.authorMeier, Klaus-
dc.contributor.authorKraus, Daniela-
dc.contributor.otherDepartamentos de la UMH::Ciencias Sociales y Humanases
dc.description.abstractThis article addresses the work of journalists in newsrooms producing content for multiple media: print, radio, television, the internet and others. Specifically, the study explores change in journalistic practice and workflow in the newsrooms of six European media companies: Austria’s Österreich and Der Standard; Spain’s La Verdad Multimedia and El Mundo; and Germany’s Die Welt/Morgenpost Group and Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine. Researchers interviewed reporters and news directors and observed newsroom practices. Aspects of project scope, newsroom management, journalistic practices and work organization were analysed by using a matrix of convergence descriptors. The results suggest the emergence of three different models of newsroom convergence: full integration, cross-media collaboration and coordination of isolated platforms, with each of them having a different production system, newsroom organization and degree of journalists’ multi-skilling. Although none of the cases studied fits completely into any of those models, and they might not be regarded as «pure models», they still can be useful approaches to analyze the development of any particular media companyes
dc.description.sponsorshipEsta investigación forma parte del proyecto internacional «Konvergenz im Newsroom» y ha sido posible gracias a una subvención de la Autoridad de Comunicación de Austria KommAustria, durante 2007-2008-
dc.subjectMedia convergencees
dc.subjectnewsroom integrationes
dc.subjectnewsroom culturees
dc.subjectjournalistic practicees
dc.subject.other070 - Periódicos. Prensa. Periodismo. Ciencias de la informaciónes
dc.titleIntegración de redacciones en Austria, España y Alemania: modelos de convergencia de medioses
Aparece en las colecciones:
Artículos Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

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