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Resultados 31-40 de 44.
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Soil Use and Management - 2020 - Jordán‐Vidal - Metal contamination of agricultural soils amended with biosolids  sewage.pdf.jpg2020Metal contamination of agricultural soils amended with biosolids (sewage sludge) at a ceramic production area in NE Spain: A 10-year resampling period
Jordán-Vidal, Manuel Miguel; Montero-Martínez, María Adriana; García-Sánchez, E.; Martínez-Poveda, África
High-Temperature Mineral Formation after Firing Clay Materials Associated with Mined Coal in Teruel (Spain).pdf.jpg2020High-Temperature Mineral Formation after Firing Clay Materials Associated with Mined Coal in Teruel (Spain)
Jordán-Vidal, Manuel Miguel; Meseguer, Sergio; Pardo, Francisco; Montero, María Adriana
European J Soil Science - 2022 - Viscarra Rossel - Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil properties  A.pdf.jpg26-jun-2022Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil properties: A technology for the 21st century
VISCARRA ROSSEL, Raphael; Behrens, Thorsten; Ben Dor, Eyal; Chabrillat, Sabine; Melo Demattê, José Alexandre; Ge, Yufeng; Gomez, Cecile; Peng, Yi; Ramirez-Lopez, Leonardo; Shi, Zhou; Stenberg, Bo; Webster, Richard; Winowiecki, Leigh Ann; Shen, Zefang; Guerrero, César
Syphilis and HIV infection in indigenous Mbya Guarani communities of Puerto Iguazu (Argentina) diagnosis, contact tracking, and follow-up.pdf.jpgmar-2020Syphilis and HIV infection in indigenous Mbya Guarani communities of Puerto Iguazu (Argentina): diagnosis, contact tracking, and follow-up
Marx, Javier; Acosta Soto, Lucrecia; Deschutter, Enrique Jorge; Bornay Llinares, Fernando Jorge; Sotillo-Soler, Víctor; Ramos-Rincón, José M.
Cesar Guerrero Soil Till Res Special Issue_R1.pdf.jpgene-2016Do we really need large spectral libraries for local scale SOC assessment with NIR spectroscopy?
Guerrero, César; Wetterlind, Johanna; Stenberg, Bo; Mouazen, Abdul; Gabarrón-Galeote, Miguel Ángel; Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián; Zornoza, Raul; VISCARRA ROSSEL, Raphael
Firing behaviour of Tertiary, Cretaceous and Permo-Triassic clays from Castellon ceramic cluster (Spain).pdf.jpg2020Firing behaviour of Tertiary, Cretaceous and Permo-Triassic clays from Castellon ceramic cluster (Spain)
Jordán-Vidal, Manuel Miguel; Montero, María Adriana; García-Sánchez, E.; Martínez-Poveda, A.
The dynamics of boron when amending agricultural soil of the Mediterranean basin with biosolids trials in leaching columns.pdf.jpg2023The dynamics of boron when amending agricultural soil of the Mediterranean basin with biosolids: trials in leaching columns
Jordán-Vidal, Manuel Miguel; Almendro-Candel, María Belén; Navarro-Pedreño, Jose; García‑Sánchez, E.; Pardo , F. ; Bech, J. 
Occurrence of Pesticides Associated with an Agricultural Drainage System in a Mediterranean Environment.pdf.jpg2021Occurrence of Pesticides Associated with an Agricultural Drainage System in a Mediterranean Environment
Melendez-Pastor, Ignacio; Hernández, Encarni I.; Navarro-Pedreño, Jose; Almendro-Candel, María Belén; Gómez Lucas, Ignacio; Jordán-Vidal, Manuel Miguel
Assessment_of_soil_organic_carbon_at_local_scale-2014.pdf.jpgmar-2014Assessment of soil organic carbon at local scale with spiked NIR calibrations: effects of selection and extra-weighting on the spiking subset
Guerrero, César; Stenberg, Bo; Wetterlind, Johanna; VISCARRA ROSSEL, Raphael; Maestre, Fernándo; Mouazen, Abdul; Zornoza, Raúl; Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián; Kuang, Boyan
1-s2.0-S0012825224001247-main.pdf.jpg24-may-2024An imperative for soil spectroscopic modelling is to think global but fit local with transfer learning
VISCARRA ROSSEL, Raphael; Shen, Zefang; Ramirez-Lopez, Leonardo; Behrens, Thorsten; Shi, Zhou; Wetterlind, Johanna; Sudduth, Kenneth A.; Stenberg, Bo; Gholizadeh, Asa; Ben Dor, Eyal; St. Luce, Mervin; Orellano, Claudio; Guerrero, César