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Approaches for a circular economy in the European Union and its effects in third countries: promoting a values-based dialogue with Latin America?

Approaches for a circular economy in the European Union and its effects in third countries: promoting a values-based dialogue with Latin America?
Barbosa Sá Leitão Di Pasquale, Adriana Isabelle
Universidad Miguel Hérnández de Elche
Departamentos de la UMH::Ciencia Jurídica
Issue Date:
Las Naciones Unidas y la Unión Europea (UE) son partners naturales, una vez que las acciones exterio-res de la Unión Europea se guían por los principios que han consolidado su propia creación, y que tam-bién están consagrados en la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y en el Derecho Internacional. El enfo...  Ver más
The United Nations and the European Union (EU) are natural partners, once the EU’s external actions are guided by the principles that have consolidated its own creation, and that are also enshrined in the United Nations Charter and in International Law. The European Union approach for implementing sustainable development and consequently the 2030 Agenda runs through the achievement of a circular economy, but the plastic pollution problem − a global transboundary crisis − arises as a challenge and an obstacle to implement sustainable development across the world. In attempts to handle the situation, the EU, despite of its advanced and innovative strategies on circular economy and plastics, has been permissive when it comes to exporting plastic waste towards third countries, increasing insecurity and inequality issues abroad. This study, through a qualitative approach, with bibliographical and documental research, intends to demonstrate that, since the very founding values and principles of the EU forbid it to be conniving with such practices, while actively participating in the negotiations for the future Global Plastics Treaty, the EU must look inwards and glimpse this moment as an opportunity for improving its strategies and promoting a values-based dialogue with third countries. It concludes that, by doing so, the EU could be recognized as a global exporter of positive values, leading a fair and equal transition for a future without plastic pollution
Unión Europea
América Latina
Economía Circular
Tratado Global sobre Plásticos
Diálogo basado en Valores
Knowledge area:
CDU: Ciencias sociales: Derecho
Type of document:
Access rights:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Appears in Collections:
Spanish Journal of Legislative Studies (SJLS) Núm. 6 (2024)

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