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Enhancing evidence-based practice into healthcare: Exploring the role of scientific skills in occupational therapists

Enhancing evidence-based practice into healthcare: Exploring the role of scientific skills in occupational therapists
Valera-Gran, Desireé
Campos Sánchez, Irene  
Prieto Botella, Daniel  
Fernández Pires, Paula  
Hurtado-Pomares, Miriam  
Juárez Leal, Iris  
Peral-Gómez, Paula
Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María  
Departamentos de la UMH::Patología y Cirugía
Issue Date:
Background: Research utilization and evidence-based practice (EBP) in occupational therapy rely on essential scientific skills. Despite prior research exploring factors influencing EBP, a gap remains in understanding the specific scientific competencies crucial for effective EBP application. Objectives: To (1) describe the level of scientific skills for EBP and research application, and (2) investigate the factors influencing higher scientific competence among 1159 Spanish-speaking occupational therapists. Material and Methods: We assessed the scientific skills using the HACTO-Screen online survey. Recruitment was conducted through a non-probability convenience sampling method between April to June 2020, using social networks and email dissemination to education and professional organizations in Spain and Spanish-speaking Latin American countries. Results: Out of a total score of 115 points, participants showed a moderate level of scientific skills (mean: 62.7, SD: 21.6), with literature searching skills ranking the highest and scientific writing skills ranking the lowest. Associations were found between greater scientific competence and advanced degrees, ongoing research training, and on-the-job research. Conclusions: Continuous research training, higher academic degrees, and active research engagement are essential for enhancing scientific competence among occupational therapists. Significance: Targeted training to enhance scientific skills and promote research utilization are crucial in advancing EBP in occupational therapy
evidence-informed practice
occupational therapy practice
ongoing research training
research competence
research utilization
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
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Artículos Patología y Cirugía

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