Title: Complexity-based permutation entropies: From deterministic time series to white noise |
Authors: AMIGO, JOSE M. Dale, Roberto Tempesta, Piergiulio |
Editor: Elsevier |
Department: Departamentos de la UMH::Estadística, Matemáticas e Informática |
Issue Date: 2021-10-11 |
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/11000/30683 |
This is a paper in the intersection of time series analysis and complexity theory that
presents new results on permutation complexity in general and permutation entropy in
particular. In this context, permutation complexity refers to the characterization of time
series by means of ordinal patterns (permutations), entropic measures, decay rates of
missing ordinal patterns, and more. Since the inception of this “ordinal” methodology,
its practical application to any type of scalar time series and real-valued processes have
proven to be simple and useful. However, the theoretical aspects have remained limited
to noiseless deterministic series and dynamical systems, the main obstacle being the
super-exponential growth of allowed permutations with length when randomness (also
in form of observational noise) is present in the data. To overcome this difficulty, we take
a new approach through complexity classes, which are precisely defined by the growth
of allowed permutations with length, regardless of the deterministic or noisy nature of
the data. We consider three major classes: exponential, sub-factorial and factorial. The
next step is to adapt the concept of Z-entropy to each of those classes, which we call
permutation entropy because it coincides with the conventional permutation entropy on
the exponential class. Z-entropies are a family of group entropies, each of them extensive
on a given complexity class. The result is a unified approach to the ordinal analysis of
deterministic and random processes, from dynamical systems to white noise, with new
concepts and tools. Numerical simulations show that permutation entropy discriminates
time series from all complexity classes.
Keywords/Subjects: Time series analysis Deterministic and random real-valued processes Metric and topological permutation entropy Permutation complexity classes Permutation entropy rate for noisy processes Discrimination of noisy time series Numerical simulations |
Knowledge area: CDU: Ciencias puras y naturales: Matemáticas |
Type of document: application/pdf |
Access rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.106077 |
Appears in Collections: Artículos Estadística, Matemáticas e Informática