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Beneficios del método pilates en mujeres que han superado un cáncer de mama: revisión bibliográfica.

Beneficios del método pilates en mujeres que han superado un cáncer de mama: revisión bibliográfica.
Iñesta Fernández, Laura
Asensio García, María del Rosario
Universidad Miguel Hernández
Departamentos de la UMH::Patología y Cirugía
Issue Date:
Introducción: El cáncer de mama es de los tumores más diagnosticados en el mundo, y el principal tipo de cáncer que causa muerte en mujeres. El diagnóstico puede generar en una mujer no sólo complicaciones físicas, sino también sociales y psicológicas. A partir de las debilidades que el posttratami...  Ver más
Introduction: Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed neoplasms in the world, and the main type of cancer that causes death in women. The diagnosis can generate in a woman not only physical complications, but also social and psychological ones. Based on the weaknesses that the posttreatment of breast cancer causes in patients, it has been shown that the Pilates method can be beneficial in treating these sequelae. The Pilates Method is a multi-exercise approach that focuses on working the body to achieve the greatest possible mechanical advantage and also balance, strength, and optimal health. It uses breathing, concentration, body alignment, precision, endurance, rhythm and movement control. Objective: To know the benefits provided by the Pilates method in women who have overcome breast cancer. Methods: The bibliographic search was carried out in 5 databases: Pubmed, SCOPUS, Web of science, Cochrane and PEDro. Following exclusion and inclusion criteria. Results: 12 articles were included. The main parameters evaluated were: range of motion of the shoulder (goniometer), upper extremity functionality (DASH), grip strength (dynamometer), quality of life (EORTQLQ-C30 y EORTQLQ-BR23), pain (VAS) and depression (BDI). All were clinically relevant. Conclusion: Despite being a subject with little scientific evidence, with the Pilates method a clear improvement in the parameters mentioned above is observed, thus providing a better quality of life.
Neoplasias mamarias
Cáncer de mama
Ejercicio terapéutico
Knowledge area:
CDU: Ciencias aplicadas
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Access rights:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
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TFG - Fisioterapia

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