Resumen :
Triptic o les Tragèdies Rurals de Federico García Lorca, tracta d'una mena de travestisme, del liminal, de tot allò que no hauria de poder ser, d'existir (ser real i vertader), de totes aquelles coses que es situen sobre el llindar, que no son propies ni alienes, que son sense ser, del daemon, transitiu, indefinit...
Triptych or the Rural Tragedies of Federico García Lorca, is about a kind of transvestism, the liminal, everything that should not be able to be, to exist (to be real and true), of all those things that are located on the threshold, which are neither own nor alien, which are without being, of the daemon, transitive, indefinite ...
A work through collective images, the social being and the de-construction of the home (living space, places of memory).