Título : Programa de intervención para familiares y personas allegadas de víctimas de violencia de género |
Autor : Cutillas Blasco, Selene |
Tutor: Nardi-Rodríguez, Ainara  |
Editor : Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche |
Departamento: Departamentos de la UMH::Psicología de la Salud |
Fecha de publicación: 2022-06 |
URI : https://hdl.handle.net/11000/27854 |
Resumen :
La violencia de género en la pareja continúa siendo un fenómeno vigente en nuestra sociedad. Debido a las estrategias utilizadas por el agresor para aumentar la desigualdad y el control en la mujer, la salida de relaciones de maltrato es un proceso duradero, no lineal y que precisa de una estructur... Ver más
Gender-based violence within the relationship is still a current phenomenon in our society. Due to the strategies employed by the aggressor in order to increase the inequality and control over women, the way out of abusive relationships is a long lasting process, non-linear and require a solid support structure. In this matter, informal support sources are the first attendance by female victims. Thus, the involvement of families and close-related people is key for this procedure. In spite of this, there are some common barriers that hold back the environment from working properly with the victim and adopting functional proceeding strategies in order to provide a quality emotional support. For these reasons, this essay proposes a cognitive behavioral intervention for families and close-related people to female victims of gender-based violence, in order to provide the emotional support tools needed to ensure the protection of the victim during the breaking away from the abusive relationship.
Palabras clave/Materias: violencia de género intervención familiares allegadas víctima gender-based violence intervention families close-related people victim |
Área de conocimiento : CDU: Filosofía y psicología: Psicología |
Tipo de documento : info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis |
Derechos de acceso: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional |
Aparece en las colecciones: TFG - Psicología