Spanish Journal of Legislative Studies (SJLS) Núm. 3 (2021) 5

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 5 de 5
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)Acceso
1685-Article Text-7236-1-10-20220331.pdf.jpg1-dic-2021A stusy on public order and justice in totalitarian europeSanjuán Andrés, Francisco Javier
1470-Article Text-6957-1-10-20220202.pdf.jpg1-dic-2021Antonio de mendoza or the long shadow of a silent seditionTorquemada, María Jesús
1386-Article Text-6956-1-10-20220202.pdf.jpg1-dic-2021The medianedo in the local fueros: a spanish medieval institution for the resolution of the lawsuit for kidnapping with a possible germanic originQuesada Morillas, Yolanda
1432-Article Text-6954-1-10-20220202.pdf.jpg1-dic-2021The impact of the general data protection regulation of the european union on the legal regime of international transfers of personal dataOrtega Giménez, Alfonso
1394-Article Text-6955-1-10-20220202.pdf.jpg1-dic-2021The defence of the democratic constitution in extraordinary circumstances: the law of exception in comparative law and in spanish constitutional historyMartínez Cuevas, María Dolores
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 5 de 5