Resumen :
Introducción: El dolor lumbar crónico es aquel dolor, tensión o sensación de rigidez muscular localizados debajo del margen costal, y por encima de los pliegues glúteos inferiores con una duración superior a tres meses, siendo una condición con un 84% de prevalencia al que se le destina aproximadam... Ver más
Introduction: Chronic low back pain is that pain, tension or sensation of muscular rigidity located below the costal margin, and above the lower gluteal folds with a duration of more than three months, being a condition with an 84% prevalence which allocates approximately a third of the expenses in health. Physical treatment plays an important role on the recovery of the patient, although it is not possible to establish a clear hierarchy of which is better, so in this review it is proposed to study the effectiveness of three physical treatment modalities that appear to have good results.
Objectives: To evaluate and analyze the efficacy of aerobic exercise, motor control exercise and the McKenzie method for the management and treatment of chronic low back pain.
Material and methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in the databases and search engines Pubmed, EMBASE, PEDro and Science Direct. Those experimental studies published in the last five years, carried out in humans, in which the indicated treatments were used, were selected. They were excluded in case of using new technologies and medicaments and/or surgeries in the treatment, in addition to those with diseases associated with the main diagnosis. The methodological quality was assessed using the PEDro scale.
Results: A total of 15 articles that followed the aforementioned criteria were included. The three types of treatment proposed proved to be effective for the improvement of pain and disability inherent to the condition of the subjects studied, in addition to their quality of life. Aerobic exercise appears to present more noticeable improvements than the rest, however, due to the heterogeneity of the evidence found, no direct conclusions can be drawn about the superiority of any treatment.
Conclusion: Physical treatments based on motor control exercise, aerobic exercise and the McKenzie method are effective in managing and improving the patient's situation in terms of pain and disability, as well as probably also in terms of quality of life in patients. the case of the last two. It is not possible to demonstrate the superiority of any treatment over the rest, so it is recommended to act according to the preferences, expectations and individual characteristics of each patient.
Keywords: Chronic low back pain, aerobic, aerobic exercise, motor control exercise, stabilization exercise, McKenzie method, method of diagnosis and therapy.