Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 17 de 17
Vista previa | Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) | Acceso |
 | 26-jun-2019 | Potential Role of Rainbow Trout Erythrocytes as
Mediators in the Immune Response Induced by a
DNA Vaccine in Fish | Puente Marín, Sara; Nombela Díaz, Iván; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Pérez, Luis; Coll Morales, Julio; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 24-abr-2019 | Fish Red Blood Cells Modulate
Immune Genes in Response to
Bacterial Inclusion Bodies Made of
TNFa and a G-VHSV Fragment | Puente Marín, Sara; Thwaite, Rosemary; Mercado, Luis; Coll Morales, Julio; Roher, Nerea; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 8-oct-2018 | Rainbow Trout Erythrocytes ex vivo
Transfection With a DNA Vaccine
Encoding VHSV Glycoprotein G
Induces an Antiviral Immune
Response | Puente Marín, Sara; Nombela Díaz, Iván; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Coll Morales, Julio; Mercado, Luis; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 29-mar-2018 | In silico functional networks identified in fish
nucleated red blood cells by means of
transcriptomic and proteomic profiling | Puente Marín, Sara; Nombela Díaz, Iván; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Coll Morales, Julio; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 26-abr-2018 | Nucleated red blood cells: Immune cell
mediators of the antiviral response | Nombela Díaz, Iván; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 24-abr-2019 | Rainbow Trout Red Blood Cells Exposed to Viral
Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Up-Regulate
Antigen-Processing Mechanisms and MHC I&II,
CD86, and CD83 Antigen-presenting Cell Markers | Nombela Díaz, Iván; Requena Platek, Ricardo; Morales Lange, Byron; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Puente Marín, Sara; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Coll Morales, Julio; Pérez, Luis; Mercado, Luis; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 1-jul-2019 | Integrated Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of
Red Blood Cells from Rainbow Trout Challenged
with VHSV Point Towards Novel
Immunomodulant Targets | Nombela Díaz, Iván; López Lorigados, Marina; Salvador Mira, María Elizabhet; Puente Marín, Sara; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Mercado, Luis; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 13-dic-2017 | Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus triggers antiviral
immune response in rainbow trout red blood cells, despite not
being infective [version 2; referees: 2 approved] | Nombela Díaz, Iván; Carrión Pérez, Lourdes Aurora; Puente Marín, Sara; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Mercado, Luis; Pérez, Luis; Coll Morales, Julio; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 9-feb-2018 | Identification of diverse defense mechanisms in rainbow
trout red blood cells in response to halted replication of VHS
virus [version 2; referees: 2 approved, 1 approved with
reservations] | Nombela Díaz, Iván; Puente Marín, Sara; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Villena, Alberto; Carracedo, Begoña; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Mercado, Luis; Pérez, Luis; Coll Morales, Julio; Estepa Pérez, Amparo; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 17-ene-2019 | The Megalocytivirus RBIV Induces
Apoptosis and MHC Class I
Presentation in Rock Bream
(Oplegnathus fasciatus) Red Blood
Cells | Jung, Myung-Hwa; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Jung, Sung-Ju; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 7-mar-2019 | IFIT5 Participates in the Antiviral
Mechanisms of Rainbow Trout Red
Blood Cells | CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Salvador Mira, María Elizabhet; Nombela Díaz, Iván; Puente Marín, Sara; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Pérez, Luis; Coll Morales, Julio; Guzman, Fanny; Encinar Hidalgo, José Antonio; Mercado, Luis; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 27-jul-2018 | Nucleated Red Blood Cells
Contribute to the Host Immune
Response Against Pathogens | CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Nombela Díaz, Iván; Puente Marín, Sara; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 14-abr-2018 | Shape-Shifted Red Blood Cells: A Novel Red Blood
Cell Stage? | CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Puente Marín, Sara; Nombela Díaz, Iván; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Carracedo, Begoña; Villena, Alberto; Mercado, Luis; Coll Morales, Julio; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar |  |
 | 15-mar-2018 | Roles of Amphipathicity and Hydrophobicity in the Micelle-Driven
Structural Switch of a 14-mer Peptide Core from a Choline-Binding Repeat | Zamora Carreras, Héctor; Maestro García-Donas, Beatriz; Strandberg, Erik; Ulrich, Anne S.; Sanz, Jesús M.; Jiménez, M. Ángeles |  |
 | 22-mar-2017 | Polyhydroxyalkanoate‐associated phasins as phylogenetically heterogeneous, multipurpose proteins | Maestro García-Donas, Beatriz; Sanz, Jesús M. |  |
 | 16-may-2016 | Choline Binding Proteins from Streptococcus pneumoniae: A Dual Role as Enzybiotics and Targets for the Design of New Antimicrobials | Maestro García-Donas, Beatriz; Sanz, Jesús M. |  |
 | 1-nov-2017 | Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate Functionalization with BioF-Tagged Recombinant Proteins | Bello Gil, Daniel; Maestro García-Donas, Beatriz; Fonseca, Jennifer; Dinjaski, Nina; Prieto, M. Auxiliadora; Sanz, Jesús M. |  |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 17 de 17