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10-Puente-Marin et al_2018_Genes.pdf.jpg29-mar-2018In silico functional networks identified in fish nucleated red blood cells by means of transcriptomic and proteomic profiling
Puente Marín, Sara; Nombela Díaz, Iván; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Coll Morales, Julio; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar
genes-09-00202 (1).pdf.jpgabr-2018In Silico Functional Networks Identified in Fish Nucleated Red Blood Cells by Means of Transcriptomic and Proteomic Profiling
Puente Marin, Sara; Nombela, Ivan; Ciordia, Sergio; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; coll, julio; Ortega-Villaizan, Maria del Mar
7-Nombela et al_2019_Integrated Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of Red Blood Cells from Rainbow Trout Challeng.pdf.jpg1-jul-2019Integrated Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of Red Blood Cells from Rainbow Trout Challenged with VHSV Point Towards Novel Immunomodulant Targets
Nombela Díaz, Iván; López Lorigados, Marina; Salvador Mira, María Elizabhet; Puente Marín, Sara; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Mercado, Luis; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar
13-Puente-Marin et al_2019_Potential Role of Rainbow Trout Erythrocytes as Mediators in the Immune Response Induc.pdf.jpg26-jun-2019Potential Role of Rainbow Trout Erythrocytes as Mediators in the Immune Response Induced by a DNA Vaccine in Fish
Puente Marín, Sara; Nombela Díaz, Iván; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Pérez, Luis; Coll Morales, Julio; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar
11-Puente-Marin et al_2018_RBCs DNA vaccine_fimmu-09-02477.pdf.jpg8-oct-2018Rainbow Trout Erythrocytes ex vivo Transfection With a DNA Vaccine Encoding VHSV Glycoprotein G Induces an Antiviral Immune Response
Puente Marín, Sara; Nombela Díaz, Iván; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Coll Morales, Julio; Mercado, Luis; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar
fimmu-09-02477 (1).pdf.jpgoct-2018Rainbow Trout Erythrocytes ex vivo Transfection With a DNA Vaccine Encoding VHSV Glycoprotein G Induces an Antiviral Immune Response
Puente Marin, Sara; Nombela, Ivan; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, Maria Carmen; coll, julio; Mercado, Luis; Ortega-Villaizan, Maria del Mar
8-Nombela et al_2019_Rainbow Trout Red Blood Cells Exposed to VHSV Up-Regulate Antigen-presenting Cell Markers_cells.pdf.jpg24-abr-2019Rainbow Trout Red Blood Cells Exposed to Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Up-Regulate Antigen-Processing Mechanisms and MHC I&II, CD86, and CD83 Antigen-presenting Cell Markers
Nombela Díaz, Iván; Requena Platek, Ricardo; Morales Lange, Byron; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Puente Marín, Sara; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Coll Morales, Julio; Pérez, Luis; Mercado, Luis; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar
1-Chico et al_2018_Cells_Shape-Shifted Red Blood Cells-A Novel Red Blood Cell Stage_cells-07-00031-v2.pdf.jpg14-abr-2018Shape-Shifted Red Blood Cells: A Novel Red Blood Cell Stage?
CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Puente Marín, Sara; Nombela Díaz, Iván; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Carracedo, Begoña; Villena, Alberto; Mercado, Luis; Coll Morales, Julio; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar
cells-07-00031-v2 (1).pdf.jpgabr-2018Shape-Shifted Red Blood Cells: A Novel Red Blood Cell Stage?
CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Puente Marin, Sara; Nombela, Iván; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Carracedo, Begoña; Villena, Alberto; Mercado, Luis; coll, julio; Ortega-Villaizan, Maria del Mar
4-Myung-Hwa et al_2019_Frontiers in immunology_The Megalocytivirus RBIV Induces Apoptosis and MHC Class I Presentati.pdf.jpg17-ene-2019The Megalocytivirus RBIV Induces Apoptosis and MHC Class I Presentation in Rock Bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) Red Blood Cells
Jung, Myung-Hwa; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, María Carmen; Jung, Sung-Ju; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar
fimmu-10-00160 (1).pdf.jpgmar-2019The Megalocytivirus RBIV Induces Apoptosis and MHC Class I Presentation in Rock Bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) Red Blood Cells
Jung, Myung-Hwa; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Ciordia, Sergio; Mena, Maria Carmen; Jung, Sung-Ju; Ortega-Villaizan, Maria del Mar