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14_1_FSI 2.674_Macrogard TLR3 carp.pdf.jpg2014B-glucan-supplemented diets increase poly(I:C)-induced gene expression of Mx, possibly via Tlr3-mediated recognition mechanism in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Falcó, Alberto; Miest, Joanna; Pionnier, Nicolas; Pietretti, Danilo; Forlenza, María; Wiegertjes, Geert F.; Hoole, David
viruses-14-01546 (1).pdf.jpgjul-2022Fish Innate Immune Response to Viral Infection—An Overview of Five Major Antiviral GenesOrtega-Villaizan, Maria del Mar; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Perez, Luis