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A Novel Sampling Model to Study the Epidemiology of Canine Leishmaniasis in an Urban Environment.pdf.jpg8-mar-2021A Novel Sampling Model to Study the Epidemiology of Canine Leishmaniasis in an Urban Environment
Parker, Lucy Anne; Acosta Soto, Lucrecia; Noel Gutierrez, Mariana; Cruz, Israel; Nieto, Javier; Deschutter, Enrique Jorge; Bornay Llinares, Fernando Jorge
2019_106_Investigacion_Publicaciones_Barriers in mental health.pdf.jpg9-may-2019Barriers of mental health treatment utilization among first-year college students: First cross-national results from the WHO World Mental Health International College Student Initiative
Ebert, David Daniel; Mortier, Philippe; Kaehlke, Fanny; Bruffaerts, Ronny; Baumeister, Harald; et al.
TFG-Mira Valero, Ana.pdf.jpg21-jun-2021Características de las lesiones en el Crossfit: revisión sistemáticaMira Valero, Ana
Mariano Leon Rosique.pdf.jpg25-jun-2024Epidemiología de la infección por Clostridioides difficile en el Área 2 de Salud de la Región de Murcia (años 2017 - 2022)León Rosique, Mariano
GARCIA LOPEZ, RAQUEL.pdf.jpg21-jun-2023Evolución de la sarna en el municipio de San Pedro del Pinatar de la Región de Murcia durante los últimos 5 añosGarcía López, Raquel
MARCO DEL RÍO, HELENA, TFG.pdf.jpg8-may-2023Factores determinantes de la intensidad del dolor abdominal en la pancreatitis agudaMarco del Río, Helena
dkr241.pdf.jpgsep-2011Fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae over 18 years: effect of different systems for eliminating duplicates
RODRIGUEZ DIAZ, JUAN CARLOS; Noguera, Obdulia; López Riquelme, Natividad; Belda, Sofía; Galiana, Antonio; Ruiz García, María Montserrat; López García, Pilar; Royo, Gloria
Implementation challenges of a TB.pdf.jpgjul-2015Implementation challenges of a TB programme in rural northern mozambique: evaluation of 2012–2013 outcomes
Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Morales-Cartagena, Alejandra; Llenas-García, Jara; Perez-Porcuna, Tomas Maria; Hobbins, Michael; Ehmer, Jochen; Aly Mussa, Manuel; Abellana, Rosa; Ascaso, Carlos
12-Prevalence_Movement_Disorders (1).pdf.jpgfeb-2002Prevalence of Parkinson's disease in Cantalejo, Spain: A door-to-door survey
Clavería, Luis Erik; Duarte, Jacinto; Sevillano, Maria Dolores; Perez-Sempere, Angel; Cabezas, Carmen; Rodríguez, Fernanda; de Pedro Cuesta, Jesús
Trends in premature mortality due to ischemic heart disease in Spain from.pdf.jpg15-sep-2020Trends in premature mortality due to ischemic heart disease in Spain from 1998 to 2018
Isabel Hervella, M.; Carratalá-Munuera, Concepción; Orozco-Beltran, Domingo; Lopez-Pineda, Adriana; Bertomeu-González, Vicente; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F; Pascual, Reyes; Quesada, José Antonio
Urinary Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, and Enuresis in.pdf.jpg16-jul-2011Urinary Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, and Enuresis in the Spanish Population: An Epidemiologic, Multicenter, and National Study
Martínez-Agulló, Eduardo; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Ramírez-Backhaus, Miguel; Rebollo, Pablo; Pérez, Maite; Chaves, José; The EPICC Cooperative Study Group