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Grimalt2021_Article_RelationshipsBetweenChemicalCo.pdf.jpg2021Relationships between chemical composition, antioxidant activity and genetic analysis with ISSR markers in flower buds of caper plants (Capparis spinosa L.) of two subspecies spinosa and rupestris of Spanish cultivars
García Martínez, Santiago; Grimalt Trò, Maria del Mar; Carbonell, Pedro; Hernández, Francisca; Legua, Pilar; Almansa Pascual de Riquelme, María Soledad; Amorós, Asunción
JINJOLERO Reche et al. 2019 SH genética.pdf.jpg2019Relationships between physico-chemical and functional parameters and genetic analysis with ISSR markers in Spanish jujubes (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) cultivars
García Martínez, Santiago; Reche, J.; Carbonell, Pedro; Almansa Pascual de Riquelme, María Soledad; Hernández García, Francisca; Legua, Pilar; Amorós, Asunción