Browsing by Keywords Urinary incontinence

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12-López-López2020_Article_PelvicFloorVaginalOrCaesareanD.pdf.jpgSep-2020Pelvic floor: vaginal or caesarean delivery? A review of systematic reviews
López-López, Ana Isabel; Sanz Valero, Javier; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Pastor-Valero, Maria
Validation of the International Consultation on Incontinence.pdf.jpg2023Validation of the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire‑Pediatric Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (ICIQ‑CLUTS) for Spanish‑speaking children
Blanco‑Diaz, Maria; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Alvaro Manuel; Casaña, José; HERNANDEZ-SANCHEZ, SERGIO