Showing results 3 to 5 of 5
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Access |
 | Sep-2018 | Response of three citrus genotypes used as rootstocks grown under boron excess conditions | Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Simón Grao, Silvia; Nieves, Manuel; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Alfonsea Simón, Marina; García-Sánchez, Francisco |  |
 | 23-Sep-2021 | The Addition of Selenium to the Nutrient Solution Decreases Cadmium Toxicity in Pepper Plants Grown under Hydroponic Conditions | Perez-Millan, Rafael; Alfosea Simón, Marina; Zavala Gonzalez, Ernesto Alejandro; Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Martinez Nicolas, Juan Jose; Lidón Noguera, Vicente ; Simón Vilella, Inmaculada; Shahid, Muhammad Adnan; Garcia-Sanchez, Francisco; Simon Grao, Silvia |  |
 | Oct-2018 | The Forner Alcaide nº 5 citrus genotype shows a different physiological response to the excess of boron in the irrigation water in relation to its two genotype progenitors | Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Simon Grao, Silvia; Nieves, Manuel; Fernández Zapata, Juan Carlos; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Rivero, Rosa M.; García-Sánchez, Francisco |  |