Browsing by Notes Acciones relacionadas: - Obra pública instalada en Ayla Oasis Development 2017 – Aqaba- Jordania - Exposición colectiva In The margin /first international festival / Jordan National Gallery of fine Arts Royal – 2018. 3 obras fotográficas: Allegories of Territories 70 x 120 cm 2017 Catálogos: - In the margin /2018 first international festival – Leonidas Spinelli - Allegories of Territories p.146-147 – 2018 Jordan National Gallery of fine Arts – Jordania- Depostio legal 2018/10/5103. ISBN 978-9923-9735-0-9

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1 Portada Obra publica weightlessness.png.jpg2018Alegorias del territorioSpinelli Capel, Leónidas