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Risk of adverse events in psoriasis patients receiving classic systemic drugs and biologics in a 5‐year observational study of clinical practice 2008–2013 results of the B.pdf.jpg2015Risk of adverse events in psoriasis patients receiving classic systemic drugs and biologics in a 5-year observational study of clinical practice: 2008-2013 results of the Biobadaderm registry
Carretero, G.; Ferrandiz, C.; Dauden, E.; Vanaclocha Sebastián, F.; Gómez-García, F. J.; Herrera Ceballos, E.; De la Cueva-Dobao, P.; Belinchón, Isabel; Sánchez-Carazo, J. L.; Alsina-Gibert, M.; López Estebaranz, José Luis; Ferrán, M.; Torrado, R.; Carrascosa, J. M.; Carazo, C.