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Showing results 3 to 6 of 6 < previous 
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Aguilera  Alcala, Natividad_compressed_compressed.pdf.jpg2022Human-scavenger relations: from conservation challenges to contributions to peopleAguilera-Alcalá, Natividad
In search of a sustainable alternative for meat production.pdf.jpg4-Apr-2023In search of a sustainable alternative for meat production: understanding the purchase intention of meat from transhumance originMartínez-Carrasco, Laura; Brugarolas, Margarita; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio
Memoria TFG_García Salas, Silvia.pdf.jpgJun-2023El papel de la edad en la jerarquía intraespecífica de un buitre del nuevo mundo: El zopilote reyGarcía Salas, Silvia
Naves Alegre_Lara_.pdf.jpg9-Jun-2023Scavenger assemblages in the Neotropics: ecological and behavioral patternsNaves alegre, Lara