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Ghai_et_al-2014-Molecular_Ecology.pdf.jpg30-Oct-2014Key roles for freshwater Actinobacteria revealed by deep metagenomics sequencing
Ghai, Rohit; Megumi Mizuno, Carolina; Picazo, Antonio; Camacho, Antonio; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco
Novel Synechococcus Genomes Reconstructed from Freshwater Reservoirs.pdf.jpg7-Jun-2017Novel Synechococcus Genomes Reconstructed from Freshwater Reservoirs
Cabello Yeves, Pedro J.; Haro Moreno, José Manuel; Martín Cuadrado, Ana Belén; Ghai, Rohit; Picazo, Antonio; Camacho, Antonio; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco
Reconstruction of Diverse Verrucomicrobial Genomes from Metagenome Datasets of Freswater Reservoirs.pdf.jpg18-Oct-2017Reconstruction of Diverse Verrucomicrobial Genomes from Metagenome Datasets of Freshwater Reservoirs
Cabello Yeves, Pedro J.; Ghai, Rohit; Mehrshad, Maliheh; Picazo, Antonio; Camacho, Antonio; Rodríguez Valera, Francisco