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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
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Scientific RepoRts.pdf.jpgMay-2019Agricultural and Physiological Responses of Tomato Plants Grown in Different Soilless Culture Systems with Saline Water under Greenhouse Conditions
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Rodríguez Ortega, Wilbert Michael; Martínez López, Vicente; Nieves, Manuel; Simón Vilella, Inmaculada; Fernández Zapata, Juan Carlos; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; García-Sanchez, Francisco
24.pdf.jpgFeb-2019Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis improves tolerance of Carrizo citrange to excess boron supply by reducing leaf B concentration and toxicity in the leaves and roots
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Simon Grao, Silvia; Nieves, Manuel; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Alfosea Simón, Marina; Fernández Zapata, Juan Carlos; García-Sánchez, Francisco
Nutritional diagnosis norms.pdf.jpgMar-2021Nutritional diagnosis norms for three olive tree cultivars in superhighdensity orchards
Giménez, Miguel; Nieves, Manuel; Gimeno Pérez, Helenio; Martínez Tomé, Juan; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José
1-s2.0-S0147651318303415-main.pdf.jpgSep-2018Response of three citrus genotypes used as rootstocks grown under boron excess conditions
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Simón Grao, Silvia; Nieves, Manuel; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Alfonsea Simón, Marina; García-Sánchez, Francisco
25.pdf.jpgOct-2018The Forner Alcaide nº 5 citrus genotype shows a different physiological response to the excess of boron in the irrigation water in relation to its two genotype progenitors
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Simon Grao, Silvia; Nieves, Manuel; Fernández Zapata, Juan Carlos; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Rivero, Rosa M.; García-Sánchez, Francisco