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A classification system for teachers' motivational behaviors.pdf.jpg2023A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions
Ahmadi, Asghar; Noetel, Michael; Parker, Philip; Ryan, Richard M; Ntoumanis, Nikos; Reeve, Johnmarshall; Beauchamp, Mark; Dicke, Theresa; Yeung, Alexander; Ahmadi, Malek; Bartholomew, Kimberley; Thomas K.F. Chiu; Thomas Curran; Erturan, Gökçe; Flunger, Barbara; Frederick, Christina; Froiland, John; González-Cutre, David; Leen Haerens; Lucas Matias Jeno; Koka, Andre; Krijgsman, Christa; Langdon, Jody; White, Rhiannon Lee; Litalien, David; Lubans, David; Mahoney, John; Nalipay, Ma. Jenina; Patall, Erika; Perlman, Dana; Quested, Eleanor; Schneider, Sascha; Standage, Martyn; Stroet, Kim; Tessier, Damien; Thogersen-Ntoumani, Cecilie; Tilga, Henri; Vasconcellos, Diego; Lonsdale, Chris
A school-based motivational intervention-H.pdf.jpgDec-2016A school-based motivational intervention to promote physical activity from a self-determination theory perspective
González-Cutre, David; Sierra, Ana C.; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Peláez Pérez, Manuel; Cervello, Eduardo
Ferriz et al. (2021).pdf.jpgJul-2021A self-determined exploration of adolescents’ and parents’ experiences derived from a multidimensional school-based physical activity intervention
Ferriz, Roberto; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; González-Cutre, David; Romero-Elías, María; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.
12 RediUMH VJBC.pdf.jpg9-Jul-2021A Self-Determined Exploration of Adolescents’ and Parents’ Experiences Derived From a Multidimensional School-Based Physical Activity Intervention
Ferriz, Roberto; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; González-Cutre, David; Romero-Elías, María; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.
TFG-Gargallo García, Marina.pdf.jpgJun-2021A systematic review of the need for novelty in self-determination theoryGargallo García, Marina
Ginés Cabeza, Honorato José.pdf.jpg10-Jul-2015Análisis cualitativo de las estrategias motivacionales en un contexto deportivo de fútbol en la categoría juvenil.Ginés Cabeza, Honorato José
Romero Elías, María_TFM.pdf.jpg30-Jun-2017Analizando la importancia de la necesidad de novedad en la vida y en el ejercicio físico desde la teoría de la autodeterminaciónRomero Elías, María
Pelayo Bergara, Carlos_TFM.pdf.jpg30-Jun-2017Aplicación de estrategias motivacionales para la mejora de las necesidades psicológicas básicas con estudiantes de secundaria en clase de Educación FísicaPelayo Vergara, Carlos
8 RediUMH VJBC.pdf.jpgMay-2020Barriers to physical activity participation in colorectal cancer patients during chemotherapy treatment: A qualitative study
Romero-Elías, María; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; González-Cutre, David; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro
10 RediUMH VJBC (1).pdf.jpg14-Mar-2020Changes in Bariatric Patients’ Physical Activity Levels and Health-Related Quality of Life Following a Postoperative Motivational Physical Activity Intervention
Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; González-Cutre, David; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Alcaraz-Ibáñez, Manuel
Changes in bariatric patients’ physical activity levels (1).pdf.jpgMar-2020Changes in bariatric patients’ physical activity levels and health-related quality of life following a postoperative motivational physical activity intervention
Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; González-Cutre, David; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Alcaraz-Ibáñez, Manuel
Romero Elias, Maria.pdf.jpg30-May-2022Colorectal cancer patients beyond their disease: Hindrances, motivation, and positive effects of exercise during chemotherapy treatmentRomero-Elías, María
Beltrán-Carrillo et al. (2017).pdf.jpgJan-2017Diferencias según género en el tiempo empleado por adolescentes en actividad sedentaria y actividad física en diferentes segmentos horarios del día
Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Sierra, Ana C.; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; González-Cutre, David; Martínez-Galindo, Celestina; Cervelló, Eduardo
6 RediUMH VJBC.pdf.jpg2020Effects of a physical activity program on post-bariatric patients: A qualitative study from a self- determination theory perspective
González-Cutre, David; Megías Boró, Ángel; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Cervelló, Eduardo; Spray, Christopher
Effects of a PA program on post-bariatric patients (1).pdf.jpg2020Effects of a physical activity program on post-bariatric patients: A qualitative study from a self-determination theory perspective
González-Cutre, David; Megías, A.; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Cervelló, E.; Spray, C. M.
ACFrOgAUCsiXGCRKd9q9UBNl82kKxVsS5fhd0V8j9O34BRF8Z4vHY-rnsjxglTiO7PhluXMYWmQ122fcB2rgPoxaY7_vlZ-ZvLxm6uKJfoa3rWSdP3f3Tkam2C8v203-kVsWmBTbsk1bOGFNbkhsCiumn-OH80GOOmPFdWErog==.pdf.jpg31-Mar-2022Elements behind sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits in individuals with severe obesity
Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Megías Boró, Ángel; González-Cutre, David; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro
3 RediUMH VJBC.pdf.jpg12-Jun-2019Exploring the socio-ecological factors behind the (in)active lifestyles of Spanish post-bariatric surgery patients
Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; JENNINGS, GEORGE; González-Cutre, David; Navarro-Espejo, Natalia; Cervelló, Eduardo
TFG-Botella Ortega, Bernardo.pdf.jpgJun-2023Los modelos pedagógicos emergentes. La gamificación en educación físicaBotella Ortega, Bernardo
TFG-Pérez Cerezo, Blanca.pdf.jpgJun-2023Motivación y actividad física en pacientes oncológicos bajo la teoría de la autodeterminación: una revisión sistemáticaPérez Cerezo, Blanca
Jiménez-Barbero et al. (2020).pdf.jpgOct-2019Physical education and school bullying: a systematic review
Jiménez-Barbero, José Antonio; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; González-Cutre, David; Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Llor Zaragoza, Laura; Ruiz-Hernández, José Antonio