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Analysis of an Evaporative Cooling Pad Connected to.pdf.jpg31-May-2024Analysis of an Evaporative Cooling Pad Connected to an Air Distribution System of Perforated Polyethylene Tubes in a Greenhouse
Pardo Pina, Sofía; ferrández-pastor, francisco-javier; Rodriguez, Francisco; Cámara-Zapata, José-María
Corn Steep Liquor Application Improves Pepper Capsicum annum L. Tolerance to Salinity.pdf.jpg10-Jul-2023Corn Steep Liquor Application Improves Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Tolerance to Salinity
Navarro Morillo, Iván; Pardo Pina, Sofía; Garcia-Sanchez, Francisco; Ruiz Sáez, Juan Manuel; Laserna-Arcas, Santiago; Plasencia Martínez, Félix Antonio; Cámara-Zapata, José-María
TFG Pardo Pina, Sofía.pdf.jpgSep-2019Estudio de germinación y desarrollo de diferentes especies del género Phoenix L. (Arecáceas)Pardo Pina, Sofía