Browsing by Keywords treatment adherence and compliance

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Access
Barriers and Solutions to Improve Therapeutic.pdf.jpg11-Mar-2022Barriers and Solutions to Improve Therapeutic Adherence from the Perspective of Primary Care and Hospital-Based Physicians
Carratalá-Munuera, Concepción; Cortés Castell, Ernesto; Márquez-Contreras, Emilio; Castellano, José maria; Perez-Paramo, María; Lopez-Pineda, Adriana; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F
TFG_ANDREU_CONDE_PAULA.pdf.jpg15-Jun-2023Efecto de la adherencia al ejercicio terapéutico en tendinopatías de hombro: una revisión sistemática con meta-análisisAndreu Conde, Paula