Browsing by Keywords prodynorphin gene

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Increased ethanol intake in prodynorphin knockout mice is associated to changes in opioid receptor function and dopamine transmission.pdf.jpg-Increased ethanol intake in prodynorphin knockout mice is associated to changes in opioid receptor function and dopamine transmissionFemenía Cantó, Teresa; Manzanares, Jorge
Prodynorphin gene deletion increased anxiety-like behaviours, impaired the anxiolytic effect of bromazepam and altered GABAA receptor subunits gene expression in the amygdala.pdf.jpg-Prodynorphin gene deletion increased anxiety-like behaviours, impaired the anxiolytic effect of bromazepam and altered GABAA receptor subunits gene expression in the amygdala
Femenía Cantó, Teresa; Pérez Rial, Sandra; Irigüen, Leyre; Manzanares, Jorge