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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
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3 RediUMH VJBC.pdf.jpg12-Jun-2019Exploring the socio-ecological factors behind the (in)active lifestyles of Spanish post-bariatric surgery patients
Beltrán-Carrillo, Vicente J.; Jiménez-Loaisa, Alejandro; JENNINGS, GEORGE; González-Cutre, David; Navarro-Espejo, Natalia; Cervelló, Eduardo
Personalized medicine into health national.pdf.jpg19-Dec-2018Personalized medicine into health national services: barriers and potentialities
Rodríguez-Vicente, Ana E; Herrero Cervera, Maria José; Bernal, María Luisa; Rojas, Luis; Peiró, Ana
TFG Sarah Andreea Zimbru (5).pdf.jpg16-May-2024Toma de decisiones compartidas: barreras y limitaciones de las mujeres embarazadas ante la vacunaciónZimbru, Sarah Andreea