Browsing by Keywords Phenols
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Access |
 | 2021 | Relationships between chemical composition, antioxidant activity and genetic analysis with ISSR markers in flower buds of caper plants (Capparis spinosa L.) of two subspecies spinosa and rupestris of Spanish cultivars | García Martínez, Santiago; Grimalt Trò, Maria del Mar; Carbonell, Pedro; Hernández, Francisca; Legua, Pilar; Almansa Pascual de Riquelme, María Soledad; Amorós, Asunción |  |
 | 2019 | Relationships between physico-chemical and functional parameters and genetic analysis with ISSR markers in Spanish jujubes (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) cultivars | García Martínez, Santiago; Reche, J.; Carbonell, Pedro; Almansa Pascual de Riquelme, María Soledad; Hernández García, Francisca; Legua, Pilar; Amorós, Asunción |  |