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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
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61-Investigacion_articulos_Elevated functional versatility of the soil microbial.pdf.jpg2022Elevated functional versatility of the soil microbial community associated with the invader Carpobrotus edulis across a broad geographical scale
Díaz Espejo, Gisela; Caravaca, Fuensanta; Torres, Pilar; Roldan, Antonio
64-Investigación_articulos_Selective Shifts STOTEN.pdf.jpg2024Selective shifts in the rhizosphere microbiome during the drought season could explain the success of the invader Nicotiana glauca in semiarid ecosystems
Díaz Espejo, Gisela; Caravaca, Fuensanta; Torres, Pilar; Roldan, Antonio
59- The invader Carpobrotus STOTE_completo.pdf.jpg2020The invader Carpobrotus edulis promotes a specific rhizosphere microbiome across globally distributed coastal ecosystems
Díaz Espejo, Gisela; Rodríguez-Caballero, Gema; Caravaca, Fuensanta; Torres, Pilar; Roldan, Antonio