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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
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Gender differential on characteristics and outcome of leprosy patients admitted to a long-term care rural hospital in South-Eastern Ethiopia.pdf.jpg4-Oct-2012Gender differential on characteristics and outcome of leprosy patients admitted to a long-term care rural hospital in South-Eastern Ethiopia
Ramos, José Manuel; Martínez-Martín, Miguel; Reyes, Francisco; Lemma, Deriba; Belinchón, Isabel; Gutiérrez, Félix
Genito Pelvic Pain-Penetration Disorder (GPPPD) in Spanish Women-Clinical Approach in Primary health care. Review and Meta-Analysis.pdf.jpgApr-2022Genito Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder (GPPPD) in Spanish Women—Clinical Approach in Primary Health Care: Review and Meta-Analysis
Berenguer Soler, María; Navarro-Sánchez, Antonio; Compañ Rosique, Antonio F.; Luri-Prieto, Paloma; Navarro Ortiz, Ramón; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Pérez Tomás, Carla; Font Juliá, Elsa; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F; CORTÉS CASTELL, ERNESTO; Navarro-Cremades, Felipe; Montejo, Ángel L.; Arroyo Sebastián, María del Ángel; Pérez-Jover, Virtudes
Validation of the Center of Applied Psychology Female Sexuality Questionnaire (CAPFS-Q).pdf.jpgJun-2021Validation of the Center of Applied Psychology Female Sexuality Questionnaire (CAPFS-Q)
Tirado González, Sonia; Navarro-Sánchez, Antonio; Compañ Rosique, Antonio F.; Luri-Prieto, Paloma; Rodríguez-Marín, Jesús; van-der Hofstadt Román, Carlos Javier; Berenguer Soler, María; Navarro-Cremades, Felipe; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F; Navarro Ortiz, Ramón; Montejo, Ángel J.; Pérez-Jover, Virtudes