Browsing by Keywords Antimicrobial activity

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Bound galloylated compounds in persimmo...pdf.jpg28-Dec-2021Bound galloylated compounds in persimmon upcycled dietary fiber modulate microbial strains associated to human health after in vitro digestion
Moreno, Bryan; Salazar, Julio; MARTÍNEZ-MADRID, MARIA CONCEPCIÓN; Lizama Abad, Victoria; Martín-Bermudo, Francisco; Berna, Genoveva; Neacsu, Madalina; Saura, Domingo; Martí, Nuria; Valero Roche, Manuel
2021_Carotenoids from persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) byproducts exert photoprotective, antioxidative and microbial anti-adhesive effects on HaCaT_2021.pdf.jpg8-Nov-2021Carotenoids from Persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) Byproducts Exert Photoprotective, Antioxidative and Microbial Anti-Adhesive Effects on HaCaT
Gea Botella, Sara; Moreno, Bryan; De La Casa Domingo, Laura; Salazar, Julio; Martí, Nuria; MARTÍNEZ-MADRID, MARIA CONCEPCIÓN; Valero Roche, Manuel; Saura, Domingo