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Sexuality, Quality of Life, Anxiety, Depression, and Anger in Patients with Anal Fissure. A Case-Control Study.PDF.jpgSep-2021Sexuality, Quality of Life, Anxiety, Depression, and Anger in Patients with Anal Fissure. A Case–Control Study
Navarro-Sánchez, Antonio; Luri-Prieto, Paloma; Compañ Rosique, Antonio F.; Navarro Ortiz, Ramón; Berenguer Soler, María; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F; CORTÉS CASTELL, ERNESTO; Navarro-Cremades, Felipe; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Pérez Tomás, Carla; Palazón-Bru, Antonio; Montejo, Ángel L.