Browsing by Keywords 16S rRNA gene

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Access
Polyphasic characterization of benthic cyanobacterial.pdf.jpg11-Dec-2012Polyphasic characterization of benthic cyanobacterial diversity from biofilms of the Guadarrama river (Spain): morphological, molecular, and ecological approaches
Loza, Virginia; Berrendero Gómez, Esther; Perona, Elvira; Mateo Ortega, Pilar
Reassessment of the cyanobacterial family Microchaetaceae and establishment of new families Tolypothrichaceae and Godleyaceae.pdf.jpg3-Oct-2014Reassessment of the cyanobacterial family Microchaetaceae and establishment of new families Tolypothrichaceae and Godleyaceae
Hauer, Tomáš; Bohunická, Markéta; Johansen, Jeffrey; Mareš, Jan; Berrendero Gómez, Esther