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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
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31.pdf.jpg27-Aug-2021Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networksSebastián-González, Esther; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; et al.
28.pdf.jpg2018Nature’s contributions to people and quality of life
ALOE KARABULUT, Armağan; Avcıoğlu Çokçalışkan, Başak; Bilgin, Adem; Breeze, Tom; Bukvareva, Elena; Duez, Pierre; Faith, Daniel P; Geijzendorffer, Ilse R.; Gosal, Arjan; Haider, L. Jamila; Kretsch, Conor; Lozano, Jorge; Meire, Patrick; Sauterel, Jasmin Mena; Meyer, Markus; Moleón, Marcos; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; et al.
14.pdf.jpg8-May-2020Network structure of vertebrate scavenger assemblages at the global scale: drivers and ecosystem functioning implications
Sebastián-González, Esther; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; Botella, Francisco; et al.
6.pdf.jpg2019Scavenging in the Anthropocene: Human impact drives vertebrate scavenger species richness at a global scale
Sebastián-González, Esther; Magalhães Barbosa, Jomar; Pérez‐García, Juan M.; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; et al.
44.pdf.jpg19-Aug-2024The importance of locally sourced data in identifying population trends: Insights from Iberian vertebratesRodríguez-Caro, Roberto; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; et al.