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Real-Life Impact of Glucocorticoid Treatment in COVID-19.pdf.jpg13-Oct-2021Real-Life Impact of Glucocorticoid Treatment in COVID-19 Mortality: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Gómez Muñoz, Ana María; Fernández-Cruz, Ana; Lavilla Olleros, Cristina; Giner-Galvañ, Vicente; Ausín-García, Cristina; Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Vargas, Juan A.; Rubio-Rivas, Manuel; Laureiro, Jaime; Fernández-Bermúdez, Daniel; Buonaiuto, Verónica A.; Arenas de Larriva, Antonio P.; Pascual-Pérez, María de los Reyes; Alcalá-Pedrajas, José N.; Labirua-Iturburu Ruiz, Ane