Browsing by Author Puras, Gustavo

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Long-term biophysical stability of nanodiamonds combined with lipid nanocarriers for non-viral gene.pdf.jpg18-Apr-2023Long-term biophysical stability of nanodiamonds combined with lipid nanocarriers for non-viral gene delivery to the retina
Nuseibah, H.; Qtaish, AL; Villate Beitia, Ilia; Gallego, Idoia; Martínez- Navarrete, Gema; Soto-Sánchez, Cristina; Sainz-Ramos, Myriam; Lopez-Mendez, Tania B.; Paredes, Antonio J.; Chichon ́, Francisco Javier; Zamarreno ̃, Noelia; Fernández, Eduardo; Puras, Gustavo; Pedraz, José Luis
Sphingolipid extracts enhance gene delivery of cationic lipid vesicles into retina.pdf.jpg2-Oct-2021Sphingolipid extracts enhance gene delivery of cationic lipid vesicles into retina and brain
AL Qtaish, Nuseibah; Gallego, Idoia; Villate Beitia, Ilia; Sainz-Ramos, Myriam; Martínez-Navarrete, Gema; Soto-Sánchez, Cristina; Fernández, Eduardo; Galvez-Martín, Patricia; Lopez-Mendez, Tania B.; Puras, Gustavo; Pedraz, José Luis