Browsing by Author Gabilondo, A.

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20-Dec-2016Exposure to violence, a risk for suicide in youths and young adults. A meta‐analysis of longitudinal studies
Castellví, P.; Miranda-Mendizábal, A.; Parés-Badell, A.; Almenara, J.; Alonso, I.; Blasco, M.J.; Cebrià, A.; Gabilondo, A.; Gili, M.; Lagares, C.; Piqueras, Jose A; et al.
2017_68_Investigacion_Publicaciones_Longitudinal association between_2017.pdf.jpg2017Longitudinal association between self-injurious thoughts and behaviors and suicidal behavior in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Castellví, P.; Lucas-Romero, E.; Miranda-Mendizábal, A.; Parés-Badell, O.; Almenara, J.; Alonso, I.; Blasco, M.J.; Gabilondo, A.; Gili, M.; Lagares, C.; Piqueras, Jose A; et al.
2-Jan-2018Sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour in adolescents and young adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
Miranda-Mendizábal, A.; Castellvı, P.; Parés-Badell, O.; Almenara, J.; Alonso, I.; Blasco, M.J.; Cebria, A.; Gabilondo, A.; Gili, M.; Lagares, C.; Piqueras, Jose A; et al.