Browsing by Author Gáspárdy, Anna

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Secretagogin expression in the vertebrate brainstem with focus.pdf.jpg29-May-2019Secretagogin expression in the vertebrate brainstem with focus on the noradrenergic system and implications for Alzheimer’s disease
Zahola, Péter; Hanics, János; Pintér, Anna; Máte, Zoltán; Gáspárdy, Anna; Hevesi, Zsófia; Echevarria, Diego; Adori, Csaba; Barde, Swapnali; Törőcsik, Beáta; Erdélyi, Ferenc; Szabó, Gábor; Wagner, Ludwig; Kovacs, Gabor G.; Hökfelt, Tomas; Harkany, Tibor; Alpár, Alán