Browsing by Author Ferrandiz, C.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
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Latent tuberculosis infection and active tuberculosis in patients with psoriasis A study on the incidence of tuberculosis and the prevalence of latent tuberculosis disease.pdf.jpgNov-2013Latent tuberculosis infection and active tuberculosis in patients with psoriasis: a study on the incidence of tuberculosis and the prevalence of latent tuberculosis disease in patients with moderate-severe psoriasis in Spain. BIOBADADERM registry
Sánchez-Moya, Ana Isabel; García-Doval, I.; Carretero, G.; Sánchez-Carazo, J.; Ferrandiz, C.; Herrera Ceballos, E.; Alsina, M.; Ferrán, M.; López Estebaranz, José Luis; Gómez-García, F.; De la Cueva Dobao, P.; Carrascosa, J. M.; Vanaclocha, F.; Belinchón , Isabel ; Peral, F.
Risk of adverse events in psoriasis patients receiving classic systemic drugs and biologics in a 5‐year observational study of clinical practice 2008–2013 results of the B.pdf.jpg2015Risk of adverse events in psoriasis patients receiving classic systemic drugs and biologics in a 5-year observational study of clinical practice: 2008-2013 results of the Biobadaderm registry
Carretero, G.; Ferrandiz, C.; Dauden, E.; Vanaclocha Sebastián, F.; Gómez-García, F. J.; Herrera Ceballos, E.; De la Cueva-Dobao, P.; Belinchón, Isabel; Sánchez-Carazo, J. L.; Alsina-Gibert, M.; López Estebaranz, José Luis; Ferrán, M.; Torrado, R.; Carrascosa, J. M.; Carazo, C.
Safety of classic and biologic systemic therapies for the treatment of psoriasis in elderly. An observational study from national BIOBADADERM registry.pdf.jpg2015Safety of classic and biologic systemic therapies for the treatment of psoriasis in elderly: an observational study from national BIOBADADERM registry
Medina, C.; Carretero, G.; Ferrandiz, C.; Dauden, E.; Vanaclocha, F.; Gómez-García, F. J.; Herrera-Ceballos, E.; De la Cueva-Dobao, P.; Belinchón, Isabel; Sánchez-Carazo, J. L.; Alsina, M.; López Estebaranz, José Luis; Ferrán, M.; Carrascosa, J. M.; Torrado, R.
Survival of classic and biological systemic drugs in psoriasis. Results of the BIOBADADERM registry and critical analysis.pdf.jpg2016Survival of classic and biological systemic drugs in psoriasis: results of the BIOBADADERM registry and critical analysis
Dávila-Seijo, Paula; Dauden, E.; Carretero, G.; Ferrandiz, C.; Vanaclocha, F.; Gómez-García, F. J.; Herrera-Ceballos, E.; De la Cueva-Dobao, P.; Belinchón, Isabel; Sánchez-Carazo, J. L.; Alsina, M.; López Estebaranz, José Luis; Ferrán, M.; Torrado, R.; Carrascosa, J. M.