Browsing by Author Carda Botella, Carmen

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Biointegration of corneal macroporous membranes based on.pdf.jpg18-Jun-2014Biointegration of corneal macroporous membranes based on poly(ethyl acrylate) copolymers in an experimental animal model
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; Chiesa, Massimo; Gallego-Ferrer, Gloria; Garagorri, Nerea; Briz, Nerea; Fernandez-Delgado, Jorge; Sancho-Tello Valls, María; Carda Botella, Carmen; García - Tuñón, Ignacio; Bataille, Laurent; Rodríguez, Alejandra; Arnalich-Montiel, Francisco; Gómez Ribelles, José L.; Antolinos-Turpín, Carmen M; G ómez-Tejedor, José A.