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TD Lara Hurtado, Alberto.pdf.jpg22-sep-2021Caracterización de la Absorción de K+ en Arabidopsis thaliana L. y Solanum lycopersicum L.: Regulación de AtHAK5, papel de SlHAK5 e identificación de nuevos sistemas de absorción de K+Lara Hurtado, Alberto
Estevan2022_Article_CaseStudyRiskAssociatedToWeari (1).pdf.jpgnov-2021Case study: risk associated to wearing silver or graphene nanoparticle‑coated facemasks for protection against COVID‑19Estevan, Carmen; Vilanova, Eugenio; SOGORB, MIGUEL A
5-diaz mula et al 2009-pbt changes in AAT-h and AAT-L (1).pdf.jpgsep-2008Changes in hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity and related bioactive compounds during postharvest storage of yellow and purple plum cultivars
Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Zapata, Pedro Javier; Guillén, Francisco; Martínez-Romero, Domingo; Castillo, Salvador; Serrano, María; Valero, Daniel
2-J Sci Food Agric - 2008 - Díaz‐Mula - Changes in physicochemical and nutritive parameters and bioactive compounds during (1).pdf.jpgsep-2008Changes in physicochemical and nutritive parameters and bioactive compounds during development and on-tree ripening of eight plum cultivars: a comparative study
Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Zapata, Pedro Javier; Guillén, Fabián; Castillo, Salvador; Martínez-Romero, Domingo; Valero, Daniel; Serrano, María
1-s2.0-S0009279721001605-main.pdf.jpgmay-2021DAEH N-terminal sequence of avian serum albumins as catalytic center of Cu (II)-dependent organophosphorus hydrolyzing A-esterase activity
Monroy Noyola, Antonio; SOGORB, MIGUEL A; ALMENARES LOPEZ, DAMIANYS; Vilanova, Eugenio
2013. Different Analytical Methods of Para-Phenylenediamine Based Hair Dye (1).pdf.jpgjul-2013Different Analytical Methods of Para-Phenylenediamine Based Hair Dye
Abdel MONIEM, Ahmed; Abdel Maaboud, Ragaa Mohamed; Abdul Latif, Fathy Fahim; Kamal El-Dean, Adel Mohamed; El-Shaieb, Kamal Mohamed; Vilanova, Eugenio; Estevan, Carmen
Biological Invasions - 2020 - Pascual Rico -Ecological niche overlap between co-occurring native and exotic un.pdf.jpgabr-2020Ecological niche overlap between co-occurring native and exotic ungulates: insights for a conservation conflict
Pascual-Rico, Roberto; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio; Navarro, Joan; Eguía, Sergio; Anadón, José Daniel; Botella Robles, Francisco
6-valero et al 2013_PBT 77-1-6 (1).pdf.jpgoct-2012Effects of alginate edible coating on preserving fruit quality in four plum cultivars during postharvest storage
Valero, Daniel; Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Zapata, Pedro J; Guillén, Fabián; Martínez-Romero, Domingo; Castillo, Salvador; Serrano, María
Effects of Climate Change on the Production of Polysaccharides and Phycobiliproteins by N.pdf.jpgmar-2022Effects of Climate Change on the Production of Polysaccharides and Phycobiliproteins by Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault
Llopis, Paula; García‑Abad, Laura; Pretel Pretel, María Teresa; Montero, María Adriana; MANUEL, JORDAN; Asencio, Antonia Dolores
Effects of drought and water pulses (1).pdf.jpgjul-2019Effects of drought and water pulses on microbial functionality and the role of Cyanoprokaryota in the rhizospheres of gypsophytesDIAZ PEREIRA, ELVIRA; Marín Sanleandro, Pura; Asencio, Antonia Dolores
4-Limnología2020-Book-of-abstract (1).pdf.jpgoct-2020Estudio de las comunidades algales implicadas en el biodeterioro de la Noria Grande de Abarán, patrimonio hidráulico del SE de la Península Ibérica
Pérez Millán, Rafael; García Abad, Laura; Berrendero Gómez, Esther; Pretel Pretel, Mª Teresa; Bernal, Adriana; Asencio, Antonia Dolores
2017fphar-08-00467 (VMF) (1).pdf.jpgjul-2017Ethnopharmacological and Chemical Characterization of Salvia Species Used in Valencian Traditional Herbal Preparations
MARTINEZ-FRANCES, VANESSA; Hahn, Emeline; Ríos, Segundo; Rivera, Diego; Reich, Eike; Vila, Roser; Cañigueral, Salvador
2014Phytochem (VMF).pdf.jpgene-2014Evolution of alkaloid biosynthesis in the genus Narcissus
Berkov, Strahil; MARTINEZ-FRANCES, VANESSA; BASTIDA, JAUME; Codina, Carles; Ríos, Segundo
Molecular Immunology 2008-main (1).pdf.jpgjun-2007Expression and antiviral activity of a β-defensin-like peptide identified in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) EST sequences
Falco, Antonio; CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Marroquí, L.; Perez, L.; Coll, J.M.; Estepa, A.
Book_of_abstract_SEFS12 (1).pdf.jpgjul-2021Extremophile cyanobacteria from thermo-mineral springs in Galicia (NW Spain)
García Abad, Laura; Asencio, Antonia Dolores; López-Rodríguez, M. Carmen; Mejide, Rosa; Torres, Enrrique
Extremophilic cyanobacteria from thermo-mineral (2).pdf.jpgabr-2022Extremophilic cyanobacteria from thermo-mineral springs of spas in Atlantic environments
López-Rodríguez, M. Carmen; Asencio, Antonia Dolores; Meijide-Failde, Rosa; Torres, Enrique
Artículo 1.pdf.jpgjun-2006Factores psicosociales relacionados con el consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes españoles
Inglés, Cándido J.; Delgado, Beatriz; BAUTISTA, REBECA; Torregrosa, María Soledad; Espada, José Pedro; García-Fernández, José M.; Hidalgo García, María; García López, José Luis
Conservation Letters - 2017 - Morales‐Reyes - Farmer Perceptions of the Ecosystem Services Provided by Scaveng.pdf.jpgjul-2017Farmer Perceptions of the Ecosystem Services Provided by Scavengers: What, Who, and to Whom
Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; Martín López, Berta; Moleón, Marcos; Mateo-Tomás, Patricia; Botella Robles, Francisco; Margalida, Antoni; Donázar, José Antonio; Blanco, Guillermo; Pérez, Irene
2021BCh-Halophytes (VMF) (1).pdf.jpg2020Gastroethnobotany of Halophytes
Ríos, Segundo; Obon, Concepcion; MARTINEZ-FRANCES, VANESSA; Verde, A.; Ariza, D.; Laguna, E.
Importancia de las cianobacterias conocidas como algas verde-azuladas (1).pdf.jpgmay-2021Importancia de las cianobacterias conocidas como “algas verde-azuladas”García Abad, Laura; Berrendero Gómez, Esther; Asencio, Antonia Dolores