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TFG-DANIEL EGEA CARBONELL.pdf.jpgjun-2018Aspectos tributarios del crowdfunding. Especial referencia a las cuestiones controvertidasEgea Carbonell, Daniel
Lopez Gomez Jose Luis.pdf.jpg5-jul-2019Aspectos tributarios en el proceso de extinción de las sociedades de capitalLópez Gómez, José Luis
Evaluación dimensiones apoyo social en TCA Spanish Journal of Psychology.pdf.jpg2009Assesment of Social Support Dimensions in Patients with Eating DisordersQUILES, YOLANDA; Terol Cantero, M Carmen
1-OA- Pain management nursing (1).pdf.jpgmay-2021Assessing Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity and Walking Exercise in Women with Fibromyalgia
López Roig, Sofía; Pastor Mira, María Ángeles; Núñez, Rosa; Rodriguez Nardi, Ainara; Ivorra, Sofía; León, Eva María; Peñacoba, Cecilia
1-OA- Pain management nursing (1).pdf.jpg2021Assessing Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity and Walking Exercise in Women with Fibromyalgia
Nardi-Rodríguez, Ainara; López Roig, Sofía; Pastor Mira, María Angeles; Núñez, Rosa; Ivorra, Sofía; León, Eva; Peñacoba, Cecilia
Doctoral Thesis Wilfrid Mazier.pdf.jpg10-abr-2014Assessing the action of GluK1 overexpression on synaptic strength and plasticity in a mouse model of Down syndromeMazier, Wilfrid
Assessing the Impact of Attendance Modality on the Learning.pdf.jpg2021Assessing the Impact of Attendance Modality on the Learning Performance of a Course on Machines and Mechanisms Theory
Campello Vicente, Héctor; Campillo Davo, Nuria; Valiente, David; Velasco Sánchez, Emilio; Rodríguez Mas, Fernando
Assessment of Body Composition as an Indicator of Early.pdf.jpg18-sep-2021Assessment of Body Composition as an Indicator of Early Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition Therapy in Patients Undergoing Colorectal Cancer Surgery in an Enhanced Recovery Program
López Rodríguez -Arias, Francisco; Sánchez-Guillén, Luis; Lillo García, Cristina; ARANAZ OSTÁRIZ, VERÓNICA; Alcaide, M. José; Soler-Silva, Álvaro; SORIANO-IRIGARAY, LETICIA; Barber, Xavier; Arroyo-Sebastián, Antonio
46-foods-12-03591-v2.pdf.jpgsep-2023Assessment of Chemical, Physico-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Low-Sodium Beef Burgers Formulated with Flours from Different Mushroom Types
Botella Martínez, Carmen María; Muñoz Tebar, Nuria; Lucas González, Raquel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Fernández-López, Juana; Viuda-Martos, Manuel
2021-foods-10-01463 (1) (1).pdf.jpgjun-2021Assessment of Chemical, Physicochemical, and Lipid Stability Properties of Gelled Emulsions Elaborated with Different Oils Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) or Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) and Pseudocereals
Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Sayas-Barberá, Estrella; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Botella-Martinez, Carmen
Assessment of emulsion gels formulated with chestnut flour and chia oil (1).pdf.jpgnov-2019Assessment of emulsion gels formulated with chestnut (Castanea sativa M.) flour and chia (Salvia hispanica L) oil as partial fat replacers in pork burger formulation
Lucas González, Raquel; Roldán Verdu, Alba; Sayas-Barberá, Estrella; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Pérez Álvarez, José Antonio; Viuda-Martos, Manuel
DERDOUR, Abdessamed; Jordan Abellán, Antonio; Melian Navarro, Amparo; Bailey, Ryan
TD Roldan Romero, Alba.pdf.jpg27-jul-2017Assessment of Performance Parameters in Boccia: Towards Evidence-Based ClassificationRoldán Romero, Alba
04+KABIRI+Ghizlane+PROOF+(2).pdf.jpg2024Assessment of physico-biochemical parameters of Moroccan loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) genotypes using multivariate analysis
Hernández, Francisca; Kabiri, Ghizlane; Kodad, Oussama; Zahra Lachkham, Fatima; hanine, Hafida
4-Barao et al. STOTEN 2019(EMBARGO).pdf.jpg23-ago-2018Assessment of promising agricultural management practices
Barao, Lucía; Alaoui, Abdallah; Ferreira, Carla S. S.; Basch, Gottlieb; Schwilch, Gudrun; Geissen, Violette; Sukkel, Wijnand; Lemesle, Julie; García Orenes, Fuensanta; Morugán Coronado, Alicia; Mataix Solera, Jorge; Kosmas, Costas; Glavan, Matjaž; Pintar, Marina; Tóth, Brigitta; Hermann, Tamas; Petrutza Vizitiu, Olga; Lipiec, Jerzy; Reintam, Endla; Xu, Minggang; Di, Jiaying; Wang, Fei; Fan, Hongzhu
Assessment_of_soil_organic_carbon_at_local_scale-2014.pdf.jpgmar-2014Assessment of soil organic carbon at local scale with spiked NIR calibrations: effects of selection and extra-weighting on the spiking subset
Guerrero, César; Stenberg, Bo; Wetterlind, Johanna; VISCARRA ROSSEL, Raphael; Maestre, Fernándo; Mouazen, Abdul; Zornoza, Raúl; Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián; Kuang, Boyan
Assessment of the Current Status of Potyviruses in Watermelon.pdf.jpg12-ene-2021Assessment of the Current Status of Potyviruses in Watermelon and Pumpkin Crops in Spain: Epidemiological Impact of Cultivated Plants and Mixed Infections
De Moya Ruiz, Celia; Rabadán, Pilar; Juárez Gómez, Miguel; Gómez López, P.
Association between Adherence to the Antioxidant-.pdf.jpg2-may-2019Association between Adherence to the Antioxidant- Rich Mediterranean Diet and Sensory Processing Profile in School-Aged Children: The Spanish Cross-Sectional InProS Project
Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María; Fernández Pires, Paula; Navarro Amat, Silvia; HURTADO-POMARES, MIRIAM; Peral-Gómez, Paula; Juárez Leal, Iris; Espinosa-Sempere, María Cristina; Sánchez-Pérez, Alicia; Valera-Gran, Desirée
Association between Body Mass Index and Sensory.pdf.jpg29-nov-2020Association between Body Mass Index and Sensory Processing in Childhood: InProS Study
Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María; Fernández Pires, Paula; Mubarak-García, Carmela; Espinosa-Sempere, María Cristina; Peral-Gómez, Paula; Juárez Leal, Iris; Sánchez-Pérez, Alicia; PÉREZ VÁZQUEZ, MARÍA TERESA; HURTADO-POMARES, MIRIAM; Valera-Gran, Desirée
Association between chronic pain medications.pdf.jpgjul-2021Association between chronic pain medications and the severity and mortality of COVID-19: Study protocol for a case-population study
Serrano Afonso, Ancor; Pérez hernández, Concepción; Ochoa Mazarro, Dolores; Román Martínez, Manuel; Failde Martínez, Inmaculada; Montes Pérez, Antonio; López Pais, Pablo; Cánovas Martínez, Luz; Revuelta Rizo, Miren; Padilla del Rey, María Luz; Peiró, Ana; Aberasturi Fueyo, Teresa; Margarit Ferrí, César; Rojo Rodríguez, Elena; Mendiola de la Osa, Agustín; Muñoz Martinez, Manuel José; Domínguez Bronchal, María Jesús; Herrero Trujillano, Manuel; Cid Calzada, José; Fabregat-Cid, Gustavo; Hernández-Cádiz, María José; Mareque Ortega, Manuel; Gómez-Caro Álvarez Palencia, Leticia; Mayoral Rojals, Víctor