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Resultados 41-50 de 108.
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Tesis_Melissa Belló Pérez.pdf.jpg23-jul-2019Descubrimiento y caracterización de la actividad antiviral inducida por las moléculas tipo CRP de pez cebra (Danio rerio)Belló Pérez, Melissa
13_2_FSI 3.034_complement Macrogard Aeromonas carp.pdf.jpgmar-2013Dietary β-glucan stimulate complement and C-reactive protein acute phase responses in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) during an Aeromonas salmonicida infection
Pionnier, Nicolas; Falcó, Alberto; Miest, Joanna; Frost, Patrick; Irnazarow, Ilgiz; Shrive, Annette; Hoole, Dave
10_3_Cancer letters 4.864.pdf.jpg28-abr-2010Selective death of human breast cancer cells by lytic immunoliposomes: Correlation with their HER2 expression level
Barrajón-Catalán, Enrique; Menéndez-Gutierrez, María P.; Falcó, Alberto; Carrato, Alfredo; Saceda, Miguel; Micol, Vicente
12_1_FSI 2.964_Gene expression carp by BGlucan.pdf.jpgJun-2012Reduced inflammatory response to Aeromonas salmonicida infection in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fed with β-glucan supplements
Falcó, Alberto; Frost, Patrick; Miest, Joanna; Pionnier, Nicolas; Irnazarow, Ilgiz; Hoole, David
J. Virol.-2010-Chico-7140-50 (1).pdf.jpgJul-2010Pepscan Mapping of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Glycoprotein G Major Lineal Determinants Implicated in Triggering Host Cell Antiviral Responses Mediated by Type I Interferon
CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Martinez-Lopez, A.; Ortega-Villaizan, Maria del Mar; Falco, Antonio; Perez, L.; Coll, J. M.; Estepa, A.
14_2_FSI 2.674_Macrogard and complement and CRP in carp.pdf.jpgAug-2014Feeding common carp Cyprinus carpio with β-glucan supplemented diet stimulates C-reactive protein and complement immune acute phase responses following PAMPs injection
Pionnier, Nicolas; Falcó, Alberto; Miest, Joanna; Shrive, Annette K.; Hoole, David
TD Mira Carrió, Amalia.pdf.jpg15-Sep-2017Diseño de sistemas poliméricos nanoestructurados transportadores para aplicaciones biomédicasMIRA CARRIÓ, AMALIA
3-Fresquet corrles plosone 2017.pdf.jpg13-Sep-2017Metabolic engineering to simultaneously activate anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthetic pathways in Nicotiana spp
Fresquet-Corrales, Sandra; Roque, Edelín; SarrioÂn-Perdigones, Alejandro; Rochina, Maricruz; López-Gresa, María P.; Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Bellés, José M.; Tomás-Barberán, Francisco; Beltrán, José P.; Cañas, Luis A.
J Sci Food Agric - 2017 - Martínez‐Esplá - Preharvest treatments with salicylates enhance nutrient and antioxidant.pdf.jpg21-Nov-2017Preharvest treatments with salicylates enhance nutrient and antioxidant compounds in plum at harvest and after storage
Martínez Esplá, Alejandra; Zapata, Pedro J; Valero, Daniel; Martínez-Romero, Domingo; Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Serrano Mula, María
7-Diaz mula et al 2009SCI-B- FSTI-2009-15-535-543 cherry on-tree (1).pdf.jpgFeb-2010Sensory, Nutritive and Functional Properties of Sweet Cherry as Affected by Cultivar and Ripening Stage
Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Castillo, Salvador; Martínez-Romero, Domingo; Valero, Daniel; Zapata, Pedro J; Guillén, Fabián; Serrano, María