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3-2019 OE_Gouy phase effects.pdf.jpg25-ene-2019Gouy phase effects on propagation of pure and hybrid vector beams
Sánchez López, María del Mar; Davis, Jeffrey A.; Moreno Soriano, Ignacio; Cofré Henríquez, Aarón; Cottrell, Don M.
1 - Perez-Garcia et al 2011 BCI.pdf.jpg26-jul-2011Conserving outside protected areas: edge effects and avian electrocutions on the periphery of Special Protection Areas
Pérez-García, Juan Manuel; Botella Robles, Francisco; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio; Moleón, Marcos
2017fphar-08-00467 (VMF) (1).pdf.jpgjul-2017Ethnopharmacological and Chemical Characterization of Salvia Species Used in Valencian Traditional Herbal Preparations
MARTINEZ-FRANCES, VANESSA; Hahn, Emeline; Ríos, Segundo; Rivera, Diego; Reich, Eike; Vila, Roser; Cañigueral, Salvador
nanomaterials-09-01485.pdf.jpg15-oct-2019Polyfluorene-Based Multicolor Fluorescent Nanoparticles Activated by Temperature for Bioimaging and Drug Delivery
Rubio-Camacho, Marta; Alacid Martínez, Yolanda Inmaculada; Mallavia, Ricardo; Martínez Tomé, María José; Mateo , C. Reyes
polymers-10-00938-v2.pdf.jpg20-ago-2018Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Green Cationic Polyfluorene and Its Potential Use as a Fluorescent Membrane Probe
Vázquez Guilló, Rebeca; Martínez Tomé, María José; Kahveci, Zehra; Torres, Iván; Falcó, Alberto; Mallavia, Ricardo; Mateo , C. Reyes
polymers-10-00215-v2.pdf.jpg20-feb-2018Advantageous Microwave-Assisted Suzuki Polycondensation for the Synthesis of Aniline-Fluorene Alternate Copolymers as Molecular Model with Solvent Sensing Properties
Vázquez Guilló, Rebeca; Falcó, Alberto; Martínez Tomé, María José; Mateo , C. Reyes; Herrero, Maria Antonia ; Vázquez, Ester; Mallavia, Ricardo
pharmaceutics-11-00014.pdf.jpg23-dic-2018Development of A New Delivery System Based on Drug-Loadable Electrospun Nanofibers for Psoriasis Treatment
Martínez-Ortega, Leticia; MIRA CARRIÓ, AMALIA; Fernandez-Carvajal, Asia; Mateo , C. Reyes; Mallavia, Ricardo; Falcó, Alberto
Cesar Guerrero Soil Till Res Special Issue_R1.pdf.jpgene-2016Do we really need large spectral libraries for local scale SOC assessment with NIR spectroscopy?
Guerrero, César; Wetterlind, Johanna; Stenberg, Bo; Mouazen, Abdul; Gabarrón-Galeote, Miguel Ángel; Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián; Zornoza, Raul; VISCARRA ROSSEL, Raphael
Assessment_of_soil_organic_carbon_at_local_scale-2014.pdf.jpgmar-2014Assessment of soil organic carbon at local scale with spiked NIR calibrations: effects of selection and extra-weighting on the spiking subset
Guerrero, César; Stenberg, Bo; Wetterlind, Johanna; VISCARRA ROSSEL, Raphael; Maestre, Fernándo; Mouazen, Abdul; Zornoza, Raúl; Ruiz Sinoga, José Damián; Kuang, Boyan
Near infrared spectroscopy to quantify the temperature reached in burned soils Importance of calibration set variability.pdf.jpg15-sep-2018Near infrared spectroscopy to quantify the temperature reached in burned soils: Importance of calibration set variabilityPérez-Bejarano, Andrea; Guerrero, César