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Resultados 1-10 de 14.
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230301 Manifold analysis of the P-wave changes induced by pulmonary vein.pdf.jpgfeb-2023Manifold analysis of the P-wave changes induced by pulmonary vein isolation during cryoballoon procedure
Martinez-Mateu, Laura; Melgarejo Meseguer, Francisco Manuel; Muñoz-Romero, Sergio; Gimeno Blanes, Francisco Javier; García-Alberola, Arcadi; Ventura, Sara; Saiz, Javier; Rojo-Álvarez, José Luis
Numerical Sound .pdf.jpg2023Numerical sound prediction model to study tyre impact noise
Campello Vicente, Héctor; Campillo Davo, Nuria; Peral Orts, Ramón; Fabra Rodríguez, Miguel; Abellan Lopez, David
V2X_Communications_for_Maneuver_Coordination_in_Connected_Automated_Driving_Message_Generation_Rules.pdf.jpg26-jul-2023V2X Communications for Maneuver Coordination in Connected Automated Driving: Message Generation Rules
Molina-Masegosa, Rafael; Avedisov, Sergei; Sepulcre, Miguel; Farid, Yashar; Gozalvez, Javier; Altintas, Onur
03_Optimizing_the_Transmission_of_Multimedia_Content_over_Vehicular_Networks (1).pdf.jpgago-2023Optimizing the Transmission of Multimedia Content over Vehicular Networks
Garrido Abenza, Pedro Pablo; Piñol, Pablo; Martínez-Rach, Miguel Onofre; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Migallon, Hector; Perez Malumbres, Manuel
11-978-3-031-34111-3_42 (1).pdf.jpgjun-2023Analysis of Data Augmentation Techniques for Mobile Robots Localization by Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
Céspedes, Orlando Jose; Cebollada, Sergio; Cabrera, Juan José; Reinoso, Oscar; Paya, Luis
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Peidro, Adrian; Perez Navarro, Pedro David; Puerto, Rafael; Paya, Luis
44-1-s2.0-S2212429223008076-main.pdf.jpgdic-2023Beetroot juices as colorant in plant-based minced meat analogues: Color, betalain composition and antioxidant activity as affected by juice type
Fernández-López, Juana; Ponce Martinez, Angel J.; Rodríguez Párraga, Judith; Solivella Poveda, Ana Micaela; Fernandez-Lopez, Jose A.; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel
s10653-023-01486-y.pdf.jpg7-feb-2023Environmental factors influencing DDT–DDE spatial distribution in an agricultural drainage system determined by using machine learning techniques
Melendez-Pastor, Ignacio; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Navarro-Pedreño, Jose; Hernández, Encarni I.; Jordán-Vidal, Manuel Miguel; Gómez Lucas, Ignacio
Influence of Growing Substrate and Rootstock on the Physicochemical Properties of Lemons.pdf.jpg14-abr-2023Influence of Growing Substrate and Rootstock on the Physicochemical Properties of Lemons
Martinez Nicolas, Juan Jose; Núñez-Gómez, Dámaris; Lidón Noguera, Vicente ; Martínez Font, Rafael; Melgarejo Moreno, Pablo; Hernández, Francisca; Legua, Pilar
Nutritional and functional compounds an...s carica L.pdf.jpg23-abr-2023Nutritional and functional compounds and antioxidant activity of edible and non-edible fruit part of brebas and figs (Ficus carica L.) among different varieties
Teruel Andreu, Candela; Sendra, Esther; Hernández, Francisca; Cano-Lamadrid, Marina